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Company "Professional" invites students to take internship

Company "Professional" invites students to take internship

Another Ivanovo enterprise - the company "Professional" - a leader in the production of attachments for road construction and mining equipment in Russia and the СIS, invites IVSPU students of all fields of training to get acquainted with the production and undergo on-job training.

On April 6th, the company was visited by undergraduate students of the direction 03/27/02 Quality Management of the UK-41 and UK-31 groups together with the lecturers of the Department of Materials Science, Commodity Science, Standardization and Metrology Tatyana Gois and Tatyana Novosad. The excursion around the enterprise was conducted by the head of the personnel management department Irina Davydova and process engineer Anatoly Grishinin. The students were shown a video about the enterprise and walked through the workshops, where they were told about the main directions of the company's activities and familiarized with the entire technological chain of production: from metal cutting to quality control.

It must be added that the company takes product quality assurance very seriously, which is confirmed by the certificate of compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 standards. Students - future quality management specialists, were especially interested in the work of an accredited testing laboratory and the principles of organizing technical control at various stages of production, which the deputy foreman spoke about.

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