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Successful graduates to current students: study and don’t be afraid to express yourself

Successful graduates to current students: study and don’t be afraid to express yourself

Don’t miss lectures, go to exhibitions, train your observation skills and “grow in” with useful knowledge and connections - such advice was given to current students by graduates of the Department of Costume and Textile Design named after N.G. Mizonova who came to meet them.

Along the usual route, traveled hundreds of times, Elena Baryshnikova, Olga Slatina, Zoya Vorobyova and Elena Romanova came to their native alma mater. “They all studied together, but they all have different professional lives,” said the initiator of this impromptu meeting of graduates, a successful designer, a former graduate, and now a teacher at the Department of TCD named after N.G. Mizonova, Maxim Krylov.

Small but attentive audience. On the screen is a photograph of Natalya Grigorievna Mizonova, sitting at her home table, brightly lit by a table lamp with a green lampshade - a symbol of the Soviet era. In this warm and cozy atmosphere, graduates took turns telling how their lives developed and are developing after graduating from our university.

Elena Baryshnikova was the first to talk about herself. In 2013, immediately after graduating from university, Lena returned to her native Vladimir. I was looking for work both there and in Moscow. She even stood at the labor exchange, where she was offered to work as a production designer at the Vladimir Musical Theater. Theatrical production is a complex, but interesting business. So much so that Elena has been serving in the theater for ten years now, and confidently calls her path the work of her life.

Olga Slatina, on the contrary, managed to work in different places and encouraged students not to be afraid to try themselves in different guises. “We live in a time when growing professionally or even changing your profession is welcome. And even mistakes can be turned into useful experience,” Olya is sure. Having two specialties, she managed to work as a textile artist in two large Turkish companies (and proved herself excellent), then she painted prints for bed linen, and today she is successfully engaged in the design and modeling of clothing.

Zoya Vorobyova also had an equally strong character. Zoya is an entrepreneur and has organized two sewing workshops. I started by going to work in production, where I had to be responsible for everything: from the sketch to the finished product. She quickly got used to it, gained experience, and after four months she “went into free swimming.” She worked 24/7 for large customers - her workshops sewed clothes for children. Now Zoya has a large production. As before, she sews for customers, but at the same time she develops her brand. Recently she also opened a workshop for the production of military backpacks in Vichuga. “The seamstresses call me “fairy,” and I simply call myself a “production worker,” says Zoya.

Elena Romanova had an unusual career. She found her first job through an advertisement in the newspaper, drawing toys. After four years, I realized that I couldn’t expect career growth at this company, and I left. I changed several jobs, all according to my profile. Now she works as a designer on marketplaces, prepares product cards, and launches products from scratch. Supporting her classmates, Elena also advises students to study, not be afraid to express themselves and not miss a single opportunity!


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