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Ivanovo Polytechnic University is the winner of the competition of the Movement of the First

Ivanovo Polytechnic University is the winner of the competition of the Movement of the First

A solid grant will be awarded to the Polytech – The First: Three Steps to a Profession project, which will involve more than three thousand Ivanovo teenagers in interesting and useful career guidance activities, as well as introduce children to key industries for the region and the Bolshaya Ivanovo Manufactory campus.

So, just a few days ago, applications for the Polytechnic IT School will begin. The guys will be able to take a career test, immerse themselves in the tasks of a real business and "try on" any of the most popular and digitally related professions in the fashion industry, architecture, construction and the Internet in June, at the day camp, and additionally during the autumn holidays. From September to November, teenagers in whole classes will be accepted at the university at a "Marathon of impressions" with popular science lectures, exhibitions and exciting excursions, meetings with entrepreneurs, successfully employed graduates of Ivanovo universities, leaders and activists of the Movement of the First, trainings, quests and competitions.

One of the interactive exhibitions will tell you what prospects will open up for young people with the creation of a world–class scientific and educational campus in the very heart of Ivanovo - within the walls of the Large Ivanovo Manufactory. Students will learn even more about the BIM campus at the final project of the festival "Live and Study in Ivanovo", where each of them will receive an "invitation ticket" to the future state-of-the-art scientific and educational center.

Let's add that any commercial and non-commercial legal entities, including individual entrepreneurs, could apply for the competition of the Movement of the First. From February to March, 5,876 applications were submitted for the competition. The application of Ivanovo Polytechnic University, supported by the Government of the Ivanovo region, the regional branch of the Movement of the First, the city administration and a number of Ivanovo industrial companies and organizations, successfully passed all stages of competitive selection, and now the university team, together with its partners, will work to make it interesting for young people to live, study and work in their native region.

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